Back in the day when hardly many people knew about Pinterest, algorithms didn’t take rocket science to figure out and you didn’t have to have a full time staff of social media people like a lot of businesses do now.
I grew my 33K followers some by trial and error, but there are some secret tips that you want to know about. And guess what? My whole social media staff is just me.
You can do it.
Today in 11 amazing tips to grow Pinterest that you need to know now, I want you to know about some of these basic and maybe not so basic insider’s tips to grow your blog reach through Pinterest.
Pinterest Secret Tips – Only Secret Until You Know Them.
- Don’t use an avatar, or number, or something weird nobody can understand on your profile picture.
Put your pretty face right up there. Pinterest is people friendly and we want to see that on your profile picture.
- Be sure your Pinterest account is not only verified, but that you have connected some social media on it.
I have my twitter connected because I have a facebook page instead of profile.
If you have a facebook profile, connect that too.
- Switch to a business account because you have some great tools like the analytics and because you can use your blog name.
- I also made a Pinterest board just for my blog posts.
Everyone wants a choice of how to follow a blog.
If my followers want to follow me on my blog through Pinterest, then they can.
All my blog posts go on that board first before other boards. Too, because my social media is basically just me, that board is my first go to place when I need to promote my pins. They are all rounded up in one place.
- I also keep my boards in alphabetical order and rotate them with the season.
Try to remember that about the first two rows are what most potential followers see before they scroll down.
Keep your prime boards up there or the ones you want your followers to see first.
Too, it’s even more important these days to be m0re picky about what your first four or five boards are because many people use smaller devices like tablets or mobile phones.
- Make your call to action, which is to Pin very clear on your blog.
Not everybody is techie and uses social sharing bars.
So I make sure that a PIN IT button hoovers over every photo I choose.
Some photos pre-pinterest I don’t want to encourage pinning until I have time to update them.
More on that in a minute. The social plugins, which do not mess with the css of my images are Frizzly and SumoMe.
- This brings me to my next tip, which is if you use a plugin like Frizzly, you can set the dimensions of the photos for the PIN IT button to hoover over.
This is the Plugin I use and I created my own Pin It Button, which is 100 x 100 in Pic Monkey to match the font of my blog and color.
Frizzly lets you upload your own image and link to it without any coding knowledge.
Believe me, though I am loving techie things now, it never has been my favorite thing to do, but this is just easy peazy.
As I was explaining if you have a lot of small pictures on your blog, pre-Pinterest, then set the dimensions on the plugin for the images that can be pinned.
I have my settings for the PIN IT to not appear on a image that is less than 350x. My Pin It button won’t hoover over any image less than 350x.
Though it won’t prevent anybody from pinning that image, it would discourage them until you have a chance to resize a photo used for a blog post.
- Schedule your pins.
Though I was accepted by Ahalogy as a content partner, this doesn’t mean I strictly have to use their scheduler.
ViralWoot is free for about 100 pins per month.
- Change a few images a day on your blog that are older.
I try to change at least two images a day that were pre-Pinterest and then Pin those images.
Plod along a little bit each day to change images and you will be surprised how much you get done by doing a little each day.
- Share your Pinterest boards on social media.
I share my Pinterest boards on twitter, google plus and facebook.
- Embed Pinterest boards on posts and pages.
Another thing that is easier now (it required rocket science before to know coding language) is to embed boards on posts and pages.
I have some more pinterest posts coming soon, but this will start you on a solid foundation to grow your pinterest board to more than just a few hundred or few thousand followers
Have you been faithfully pinning every day?
Love ya and hugs,
Follow Me on Pinterest
Visit Tinas Dynamic Homeschool Plus’s profile on Pinterest.
Also grab iBlog Pro for taking your blog to the next level and read more about my Pinterest tips.
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