Back when I did my 5 day series of a homeschooling co-op convert, I had written down some ideas for a homeschool co-op tracking form I wanted to create. It joined my ever growing list of forms to create “soon”.
I have to admit to you that I don’t know why I am so hard on myself when it comes to crafting my forms, but I am. I linger over every font, every color, every layout, every space, every font, every color, okay—you get the idea. Sometimes I fuss so much over it that it can be stifling to get started on them because I have all the details whirling around in my head and want them to look just perfect so on paper.
Homeschool Co-op Tracking Form
Too, I always want my forms to cover a multiple range of possibilities and this form is no different. When attending our homeschool co-op, I mull over many scenarios and details and then finally put it all down on paper.
It gets harder for me to decide which form to fuss over create first and focus on because I want them all right now. So when I hear from you (like Haley who emailed me) and needed one now, I just love moving one form like the homeschool co-op tracking form to the top of the list when I can. I am so excited today to show you the first form for using in your homeschool co-op.
Because a form can either plan or track, there is a difference you know, I have created the tracking form first because I think that a majority of you can use it this next year.
This is a tracking form which means you are recording or tracking what your children have covered or will be doing in a co-op. Noting what they have learned, what they need to bring to the next class and generally putting down any details that you may want to remember would go on this form. A planning form is totally different from this tracking form because that is something a homeschool co-op leader would use to plan for a co-op.
Look below at my picture as I explain the many uses of this one tracking form and about each section in a little more detail.
About the time period section. Instead of using “July to June” which I use for most of my year round forms, I left the time period blank because homeschool co-op are all very different as to when they begin and end.
Your children may attend a co-op once a week, once a month or multiple times a week. The time period “From____ to ____” is much more flexible and allows you to track the time period by months, semesters or weeks.
The page also has 8 boxes or sections on it which is enough either for a 7 day week or for about 2 months if attendance is monthly.
About 8 sections for the 7 day week. Some homeschool co-op activities flow into the weekend even if your child attends only 5 days a week. Especially at the high school level or when you are in a state or country where you need to track all the activities your children are doing, the 8 sections allows a place to jot down what they have covered during the 5 day week and as they do activities that flow into the 2 day weekend.
If you need to track actual hours, the box is big enough to pencil the time in too. I am still on the fence about adding a box within the notes section for actual hours, but I know not everybody tracks that exacting. Again, it’s big enough though if you do need to track that way.
About 8 sections for monthly co-ops. Our co-op met monthly so I would use one sections to track each monthly meet up. So one page would be enough for me to get about 2 months on it.
About Name{s} section. I even left the name section very vague instead of putting “Student’s Name” on that part. If all of your children attend the co-op, you may want to put their names in that box or in my case, our co-op had a name so I would put the co-op name in that area. There was a time when we were attending parts of two co-ops also. So I would have two forms going in my planner for that scenario, with the name of the co-op on each one.
Too, you can use one form per child and put each child’s name in that section and this is especially helpful if you have a teen in high school. It allows you a way to track just his or her activities when you need a bit more record keeping for a young adult. Sometimes each child is going to a different co-op and you may need one form per child. Too, it may just be your preference that each child has his own form.
Like all my forms, you decide which forms to print and how many instead of me deciding for you by throwing one huge curriculum planner at one which is never my style.
About the date/s section. As you can see from the sample above, it also is very flexible allowing you to fill it in and check each day for the week or just use it for one time a week.
All of these scenarios I keep in my head and too I only make forms to share with you of things I would love using. So though it may take me a bit longer to construct each one, I am happier when I take time to stress over mind the details.
I am so over the top excited with the newest form and hope you like it too. I hope the hardest part for you will be deciding how many to print.
When do you bind your planner? I know some of you get anxious excited and bind it early, but I always do mine in late June because it gives me time to think about exactly what I want in my planner for the year.
Grab the Homeschool Co-op Tracking Form Here.
{Thank you so much for sharing my hashtag #7stephomeschoolplanner when sharing about my planner on social media.}
Hugs and love ya,
Did you miss any of my other forms?
I think this is a great idea! We don’t participate in co-ops – since we haven’t found one yet that fits our style and schedule, but this is a great resource! Thanks for linking up with The Thoughtful Spot!
We love to participate in co-ops! Thanks for sharing at the Finishing Strong Link-up!
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