Knowing what are the homeschool main 5 learning styles is essential to success in knowing homeschool learning styles.
There are more learning styles, but today I’m focusing only on the top 5 homeschool learning styles.
Besides, understanding how a child learns is one of the best things we can do to empower kids to learn.

Kids are born with an incredible desires to learn.
And we’re homeschooling because we want to be the best coach in helping our children understand themselves.
Most of us have either struggled with the way a teacher teachers or one or more subjects.
Barring the fact a special need exists, we could even think we may have a learning disability.
Worst yet, we may infer by our actions to our children that they may have a learning problem.
Styles of Homeschooling
It’s important to know the difference between preferences in learning style and special needs.
Because you are the only one to know if it’s special needs, I’m focusing on educating you about what is a learning style.
So, it’s important to understand what is a learning style or personality.

First, let me back up to share just a few points about the approach of the public school system.
You need to know that public school has only one way they approaching teaching your child.
And although they tout that they provide many different teaching styles, they do not.
No, I’m not going to clump all teachers together because nobody likes that done to them. There are wonderful caring public school teachers who try to focus on different approaches.
However, traditionally public school has only used one methodology and one environment.
This one size fits all obviously leaves out children who do not learn with the public school methodology.
Thinking about it, not much has changed in the public school system for abut one hundred years or since it’s institution.
Memorization and conformity are encouraged and individualism is minimized or kids receive discipline and labeled trouble makers.

Therefore, learning about homeschool learning styles will help you tap into the way your children learn best.
Besides, when you know the way your child learns best, you can choose curriculum matched to your child’s learning style.
Too, understand that homeschool approach is the best way to identify the learning style of not only you but your children.
It’s easier to identify the type of learner you have by the homeschool approach which fits your child.
Five Learning Styles or Homeschool Approaches
Look below at the 5 learning styles or homeschool approaches.
1. Unit Study Approach for Families Who Want Free Exploration
2. Workbook Approach for Families Who Want Memory Work and Workbooks
3. Classical Approach for Families Who Put Emphasis on Learning from Ancient Minds of the Past
4. Charlotte Mason Approach for Families Who Nurture a Love of Nature and Living Books
5. Unschooling Approach for Families Who Want Child-Led Learning Without Bounds
Look at these four ways to understand teaching styles.
4 Ways Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- You can plan a successful course with your child’s strengths and weaknesses in mind;
- Specific goals can be set and met because your leaner will know how to meet them;
- There is individualized education; and
- Your learner will be eager to learn lifelong instead of struggling with why he doesn’t understand some subjects as well as he does others.
Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality
Finally, after years of putting the pieces together, I have created an online self-paced course on how to identify your homeschool child’s learning personality.
This course will give you solid beginning points and look what you will learn.

- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Tapping into the way a child prefers to learn is essential to success.

Finally, look at some other learning styles resources below.
Other Learning Styles Resources
- Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Child’s Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
- Homeschooling: Learning Styles – What’s the Difference anyway?
- Top 5 Homeschool Approaches New Homeschoolers Need to Know
- How to Use a Boxed Curriculum without Giving Up Your Homeschool Approach
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