That’s it! This is the last week in this house. Just about all of our furniture is gone. This Monday, the people, who bought our bedroom suits will be showing up to load up the rest of it. And we will be in a hotel by Monday. Are you ready to embark on this adventure overseas with us?
Last weekend, our dear friends threw us a going away party. The weekend before I spent the day at Kelley’s house telling her goodbye and this past weekend at the party, I spent a lot of the time with Evelyn and Cynthia, my other two dear friends. (Do you mind if I skip showing you any of the pictures from that party as I wouldn’t be recognizable with all the flowing tears?)
Here are a couple of pictures I like of them over the last few years or so.
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The picture of Evelyn is when I hosted that surprise anniversary party for her. The one of Cynthia I love with her husband when they were at the graduation party of Mr. Senior 2013. I know I am just moving away and not passing away, but my homeschooling journey would not be what it is if it hadn’t been for Kelley, Evelyn and Cynthia. No truer friends could I have. Enough said.
Finding the inner zap to write about it with all the swirl of emotions is not easy. On one hand, I have made all of our arrangements and connecting flights and all of us are beyond excited to learn about South America. On the other hand, I am the type of person who needs a few of “my people” around. Close friends, and especially those that you started your homeschooling journey with are treasured.
We have one more big hurdle to get over and that is to tell both of our families good-bye. This next week we will be going to North Texas to tell my husband’s family bye and then heading back here to tell mine good-bye.
Focusing on you and all the posts that I have planned, sharing my new unit studies, my new planning forms, homeschooling tips and organizational tips will keep me excited and forward thinking. I am hoping you stick around for all of it!
25 Cents Homeschooling
One thing though that has me pumped right now is the Annual 2014 Omnibus sale going on. You know I don’t plug or push very many things, but when it’s a great deal that I don’t want you to miss, I am excited to tell you about it.
Here is why I am proud to be part of it each year:
- The products are ALL by homeschooling authors.
- They have a document format that everybody will like. I know I kid a lot about not liking techie things, but my confession is that I like to be able to read my publications on my iPad or Kindle too. Having them on my computer at home and on my devices while traveling is a sweet perk.
- One of the BEST reasons for a bundle is that each book or product is ONLY .25¢.
And OH, did you see that my contribution to this sweet deal is my Forever Blog Planner? I have OVER 300 pages in that planner alone. I know some of you don’t blog, but there are other planners too.
There really is something for everybody in this annual sale that only lasts 7 days.
I have downloaded all of my files and am still looking through all of them. And if you purchased the Omnibus last year, there are 94 BRAND new titles in the bundle this year!
Scoot by iHomeschool Network to read the rest of the titles and grab your bundle!!
But read this fine print first because there are a few things I want you to know.
- The deadline for refunds is September 5. Positively no refunds will be given if the file host shows that you have downloaded any files.
- The ebooks will only be available until September 25, please do not delay in downloading them. See the FAQ ( or contact iHomeschool Network ( for more information.
- DVDs can be purchased until September 20.
- The downloads are not on my page. The downloads are being hosted by iHomeschool Network .
If you do not understand all the techie things, be sure to look at the FAQ because it will answer a lot of your questions.
Click Here To Grab It Now. The Sale Only Lasts 7 Days
Plus You Need LOTS of time to start your hot and heavy downloading!!!
Today, I am finishing transferring all of my files from my home computer to my laptop as I plan to share more printables, more unit study ideas and organizational tools your way.
I can’t wait to share all of it with you and I am excited for YOU about this Omnibus!
Hugs and love ya,
Tina, I wanted to wish you God’s blessings on your new journey. I want to thank you for your sharing spirit. Your blessing of freebies and directions have helped me so much. I am homeschooling my grand children and this is my second time around. I home schooled both of my daughters through high school.God is so amazing. I really struggled with making the commitment to another year but He won’t let me stop. lol. I will be praying for you and your family. I am looking forward to your future posts. In His love, Nancy