Thank You! I have said it before that the best ideas for updating forms come from you because like me, you want to make them flexible enough for your family too.
Today, I have two updated homeschool attendance forms and I am so excited about them. I have been wanting to add a bit more flexibility to them but I like to take my time when I update my curriculum planner forms because I want them to work for more than just a few homeschoolers too.
I want to Thank Kathy for this comment because as soon as I had time, I updated the attendance form.
Hi Tina,
I LOVE your sheets and ideas. I’ve been following you for two years now.
I noticed in Leeanna’s comment she starts her tracking in May for Ga. The group I’m with in SC starts in June. I was wondering would it be possible to have an attendance chart in the trimesters with blank months. That way we can put down what works for our needs.
In addition, have some extra room for other letter codes ~ ie : The S = sick, H = Holiday, F = Field Trip area.
We don’t have music day, art day, it blends into our days. I had to white out those things and fill in what we did. V = volunteering, L= Lab, T = Latin, and such.
It may help others in the future.
Thanks SO much for all your hard work and thinking of us!
Below I created a new graphic explaining the two options and it will eventually be going on the STEP 5 Unique Forms page.

Of course, my love for color has grown since my original Attendance Forms and those forms were in need of some color luv. The Attendance Forms were some of my first forms where I started adding a bit of color not knowing if you would like it or not. I had just started to move away from creating only black and white copies.
I now know you love all the color collages as much as I do.
Here are a few details about the updated forms:
- I have 2 options.
- Both forms have a place for 4 children. It is not that I have a fondness for the number four (tee hee hee) but that number of columns fits nicely on one page.
- Both forms have an expanded Key Area. I added a few more codes too AND I created a few blank lines for codes that may be unique for your family and that you need to track. You just write them in each year.
- To allow room for the extra key code area because I was already at the bottom of the page, both forms had to be bumped up a bit. It doesn’t affect binding or anything, I just wanted you to know that height wise it will be a bit taller than the rest of the forms in your planner. I know, a small detail but those things matter when I create forms.
- The biggest difference between the forms is that one has a blank area to fill in the month you begin school AND to fill in your semesters. This allows for a lot more flexibility whether you begin tracking in May, June or July. The other form follows all the rest of the forms on my 7 Step Homeschool Planner, which run from July to June (academic year) and allow for year around homeschooling. On this form, the semesters are already filled in too.
Look below at the two different forms.

This one above you add in the months when you begin to homeschool and write in the semesters.

This form matches the rest of my forms that begin on July and go through June for year around homeschooling and it has the months and semesters filled in already.
Download Form Here Where You Add Your Own Month
Download Form Already Filled In.
As the mood creativity strikes, I will be updating more of the forms too.
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color” Begin building your planner.
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectives
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!
Enjoy and love ya,

[…] attendance and grades spreadsheet. Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool has two different updated attendance forms for this year complete with a key for using codes such as s for sick, f for field trips, and so […]