I have been enjoying my week visiting with some friends from out of town that are traveling ministers. But, knowing that we want to move sooner than later to South America, there is no rest for me. I probably won’t settle down until we actually land in South America.
It has not been easy keeping that secret until all of our friends know because my house looks like one big giant flea market right now.
I don’t know exactly when we will move because I can only move so fast with the Mr.
What I do know is that for sure I will keep you posted as we get closer to the date. I know it’s probably a bad time of the year to be packing/moving, but focusing on how good the move will be for the Mr.’s health, I am excited at the same time.
Free 2014 Year Around Homeschool Planning Schedule
Talking about keeping you posted, I do want to give you the heads up on a deal with Family Time Fitness because their Black Friday Sale ends today. Yikes, I wanted to give this to you earlier, but with all the company and packing, I’m just now getting this to you.Today, I have the year around homeschool schedule for 2014. Many of you homeschool in other countries that start their school year with the beginning of the physical year, you may pulling your kids out of school just now or you want a new look for your planner, so I went ahead and put together a 2014 year around homeschooling schedule.
Download here 2014 Physical Year Around Homeschool Planning Schedule.
Remember, I updated this form earlier this year and added the comprehensive key at the bottom. If you don’t remember how to utilize that area, go here to Step 5: Choose Unique Forms because I explain how to use it on that page.
I am going to try to school as best we can with packing too. Sounds like an adventure to me. Do you think I can do it? I hope to stay sane when we arrive in South America so for sure I will go slow.
Now you know why I spent so long on our South America Unit Study. I will share our next unit study soon.
Hugs and love ya,
Did you miss one of my printables?
So how many weeks of “school” do you do prior to a break when you do year round schooling? Everyone around us uses the school/summer calendar, but it doesn’t fit us. I was thinking 6 or 7 on and 1 off. That leaves us off for Holy Week & Easter, Christmas, Turkey Day, and they will still have fun time to play in the blow-up pool in the summer. That is the biggest concern. Mine – the research shows kids learn better/scaffold learning longer, feel more positive about learning, unstressed, etc.
Hey Sam,
I apologize for the delay in responding but this caught me in the middle of our move and I have been catching up this whole month. I will be doing a post to share a few more tips on year round schooling. 6 or 7 is good, but I always like to gauge the pulse of my kids and myself so I try to stay flexible. Key is writing it down so that you see when you took off and when you really can’t,etc..
I try to determine what is good for us, but 6 or 7 is a good rule of thumb!
I simply love your style and colors you chose for the curriculum planner, thank you so much for creating this. It will be used with love this coming year as I start my school year with four in school now and one on the way!
Thanks again, it’s brilliant!
Hey Jackie,
Sorry it took me so long to scoot by and welcome you here, but you caught me in the middle of my blog and website merger! Yippeee..lol , ALMOST all of my printables are here under on heading. WHOA, sounds like you will have a hopping year too. You are so welcome for the planner and printables. I can’t imagine schooling without some style..lol and color please! lol
Congrats for one on the way!! And again, thanks for being here!