I had a problem. I didn’t like any of the objectives at a glance that I had on my 7 step homeschool planner because they were all too comprehensive.
I can’t believe I am saying that because I have spent years refining them, using them and benefiting from them.
This year, I knew it was going to be different homeschooling just one kid now. And I needed a form that would allow me to jot down objectives generally instead of so specific.
Curriculum Pages for Planner
Too, I loved the layout of the free Year at a Glance form I shared earlier because it allowed me to plan with wider strokes and not so detailed.
It was the exact same thing I was wanting to put in my new Glam It Up planner package.
So guess what? I made another Objectives at a Glance to match my free Year at a Glance form that is basic but practical.

Of course, I loved the fact that it blended nicely with my glam it up package.
Objectives at a Glance in Broad Strokes
Not only listing objectives by month will be easier to look at, but I am finding out managing one child is going to bring on some whole new forms as I plod along.
Whether you have one child or homeschooling multiple children this year and are wanting to plan less detailed and more basic, this two page spread will be perfect for you.
It has a box for each month to allow you to track objectives by month and the best part is you can see them at a glance.
You know I love ya and have held this form back for you, my loyal follower. I am ever so grateful that you loyally follow and I will always have a special place for you to download it.
I luv my followers and make it special for them here when I can.
This freebie is a subscriber only freebie!
I would love for you to follow me and give me the opportunity to help you along in your homeschool journey.
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Though I love your emails, it can take a while for me to answer you.
Please find the link to the current follower only freebies at the BOTTOM of the most current newsletter to get this freebie.
Hugs and you know I luv ya,

Start building your free homeschool planner by following step by step as I take you through the process. Many options per step so that you can have a perfect AND awesome planner. Not another one like this one.
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color and FREE too”
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectives
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You!
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!
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